

Every Friday, I drop fresh Human Design insights to help you not only learn about your design – but start living it! You in?

Let's talk about your conscious sun ☀️

I can't believe it – I’m turning 30 in 2 DAYS 🤯 And ya know what? When I was a kid, I thought 30 was like seriously old. It was the age where I’d have it all together—know exactly what I’m doing, be crushing it in my career, rolling in $$$, living in a beautiful home with my cute little family, and ✨thriving✨ Welp, as an approximately 29-and-363-day-year-old, I can confirm: I still don’t know wtf I’m doing half the time, and I certainly don’t have it all together 😂 You too? See, we’re fed...

Why Your 2025 Theme Matters ✨

Today is all about setting the vibe for 2025—but before we dive into brainstorming, I want to share a little about my own experience with this practice and how it completely changed the trajectory of my life. In 2023, my word of the year was EMBODY. At the time, I was battling major burn out. I had built a business as a web designer and SEO consultant, and while it looked “successful” from the outside, I was stretched way too thin, wearing too many hats for too many clients in too many...

A revolution is brewing... ☕️

This week I fell deep down the astrology rabbit hole, and now I HAVE to share! Why? Because something HUGE is happening in the cosmos that's going to impact us all for the next 20 years. Yep, 2-0. On November 19th, Pluto enters back into Aquarius, where it'll stay until 2043. So, why does this matter? Wellll... let’s just say, Pluto isn’t one to let us off easy. Known as the planet of death, rebirth, and transformation, Pluto comes in to expose and destroy whatever isn’t working in order to...

How Human Design Transformed My Relationship 💖

Have you ever had something come into your life right when you needed it most? That’s how I feel about Human Design. My boyfriend and I had just moved in together. It was the first time either of us had lived with a partner. Add to that the fact that we were both working remotely in a tiny one-bedroom NYC apartment (iykyk), and suddenly, we were spending all day, every day together. When you’re with someone that much, you quickly notice all their quirks (and they notice yours!). Those little...

Facing the ‘monsters’ in your Human Design chart 👹

I just hit the big 3-0 🎉 And as I enter this new decade, I’ve been reflecting a lot on the lessons of my 20s. (No Lyndsie, being able to function on less than 5 hours of sleep is NOT a badge of honor and for the love of god - plz wash your face!). As I look back at old photos and journal entries (and maybe even a cringe video diary or two 😅) , one thing has become abundantly clear: Nearly all of my biggest challenges and life lessons have revolved around the 'not-self' themes of my Undefined...