Today is all about setting the vibe for 2025—but before we dive into brainstorming, I want to share a little about my own experience with this practice and how it completely changed the trajectory of my life. In 2023, my word of the year was EMBODY. At the time, I was battling major burn out. I had built a business as a web designer and SEO consultant, and while it looked “successful” from the outside, I was stretched way too thin, wearing too many hats for too many clients in too many niches. I was a couple of years into my Human Design journey at this point and wanted to shout all that I was learning from the rooftops... But instead, it was something I kept hidden. I worried what my clients who saw me as a “tech guru” would think if I shared this other side of me. I worried my ultra-religious family would call it “witchcraft” and disown me entirely. And so I stayed small. I kept showing up as “Lyndsie, the Ivy League grad, the entrepreneur, the woman in tech”—the version of me everyone expected to see. Every introduction stung a little, like I was wearing a mask, while a voice inside me wanted to cry out, “This is who I really am!” But then, as Anaïs Nin said: “The day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” I realized that if I ever truly wanted to make Human Design my life’s work, I had to take a leap of faith. I had to create space and embody the energy of “it’s already done,” even though I had no proof it would work. So I let go of all but a few of my clients—the very minimum I needed to get by financially—and started showing up as “Lyndsie, the soul-led creator and Human Design guide”. I poured hours and hours into learning, studying, creating, and sharing before ever making a penny. And you know what? I never regretted it. Sure, I made less money (quite a lot less actually)... But for the first time, I felt it. That sweet sense of satisfaction that only comes when you know: This is me. This is what I’m meant to do. My mantra that year? STAY ON THE F*CKING BUS. (Pardon the language 🙊) It stared back at me from my computer screen each morning when I sat down to work. And as a Type A, “even-my-backup-plans-have-back-up-plans” kind of girl who had just burned down her entire business to pursue a vision that felt impossibly uncertain (and maybe even a little bit delusional)? Ohhh, did I need that reminder. This mantra comes from the “Helsinki Bus Station” theory, which essentially says: the path to success often looks like failure in the beginning (Did I mention I’m a 3/5 profile!? Iykyk 🤣). The trick is to stay on the bus. Stick with your path long enough to see the results, rather than jumping off too soon and starting over. (You can read more about the theory here, if you’re interested.) And now, sitting here in 2025, I’m so thankful I committed to my theme that year—embodying the version of myself I knew I could be, that I WAS. All of this is to say: it might feel like choosing your yearly theme is “just picking a word,” but when taken seriously, it’s so much more than that. Your word becomes a filter for your energy, helping your brain cut through the noise of all the things you could be or do, so you can focus on what truly matters. On the days when you’re not at your best—when your energy is low or life feels overwhelming—your theme is the anchor that reminds you of your priorities and your commitment to yourself. And your mantra? It’s the phrase you need to hear to keep going or find your way back when life throws you off course. It’s powerful stuff! One tip I’ll leave you with – In my experience: You don’t choose your word of the year, it chooses you. So if nothing immediately comes to mind, do the brainstorming exercises, get the creative juices flowing, plant the seeds of intention and then… step away. Wait. Don’t force an answer that’s not there. Allow the answer to come to you when the time is right. For now, take a moment to celebrate the intention you’ve set today and trust that every small step you’re taking is bringing you closer to the life you’re dreaming of. Proud of you 🫶🏻, P.S. I feel like I spent a lot of this past year holding my breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop. My mantra this year? God, angels, Universe…. Show me how good it can get ✨ What theme or mantra are you calling in for 2025? Hit reply and share—I’d love to hear yours! |